課程題目: Automate Windows Desktop Applications with AutoIt培訓

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        Automate Windows Desktop Applications with AutoIt培訓




        AutoIt vs RPA

        Installing AutoIt and the Script Editor
        Overview of AutoIt Features
        Recording and Playing Back with AutoIt
        Writing a Simple AutoIt Script
        GUI Functions and Controls
        Extending the AutoIt Script

        Data types, variables, constants, arrays

        Controlling AutoIt Script Execution

        Conditions, loops, etc.

        Using Window Management Functions
        Automating Common (Boring) Windows Tasks
        Automating File Management with AutoIt
        Automating MS Office with AutoIt
        Automating the Browser with AutoIt
        Using AutoIt for Test Automation
        Compiling an AutoIt Script as a .exe

        Deploying Robots

        Advanced Automation with AutoIt

        Accessing web services and databases

        Working with XML

        Integrating AutoIt with Other Automation Tools
        Summary and Conclusion